Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tutoring Tuesday!

This is my first day back to tutoring for the summer.  I had to tutor three hours in a row and my back is killing me!  Give me almost 2 weeks off and I become soft!

I certainly do love what I do so I'm not complaining!  I did pick up another three hours per week of tutoring to help get one of my home-school students ready for her GED!  I'm excited for her to get finished!

Mike is mowing and I have baked beans in the oven, have already made the coleslaw so when Mike is cleaned up and fixes our hamburgers we will have supper...I'm starting to get hungry.

I've reviewed five books in the last week!  I've been a reading machine!  I was so far behind on my reviews that I felt bad so I've been getting them done in record time!  I'm enjoying it so much that I've found some other places that use blog reviewers!  What a great way to get to read and bless other people with my books!  I've given two away and loaned one cause I want to give it to my sister so I want it back!  :)

If you'd like to read my reviews just click in Karen's Book Reviews on the right side of the page and it will take you there!


  1. Karen, you meal sure sounds good! Tell Mike to put another burger on the grill for me! :-)

    I'm enjoying your book reviews too. What a great idea Karen!

    Have a blessed evening with your family. Sending you big hugs!

  2. Thanks Judy! I love that particular meal too cause it's quick and easy for both of us! I don't mind making coleslaw from scratch (at least the dressing part and buying the slaw already chopped!) and the baked beans couldn't be easier! I do like to actually bake them so they get a little thick, but that just takes putting them in the oven an hour earlier than we want to eat...nothing big to that! LOL

    Another of our favorite meals is grilled chicken with sauteed mushrooms, onions, and celery with rice mixed in! Yummo! I think that's what we are having tonight...oh, probably tomorrow, Cody has a game at 6:00 so that's probably going to put a monkey wrench in our dinner plans tonight! LOL

    Thanks for the comments!


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