Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tired of being tired...

I really need to get back to eating right and getting some exercise because I feel awful lately. I am tutoring too much, but I love what I do so it's hard to say no to parents when they ask for me to tutor their child. I have several students who are going to be moving in January and February and I hope that's about the time Snap Fitness opens in Madison Heights cause I will join that and then take those tutoring times to make time for me to exercise.

Mike is wonderful about eating whatever I want to eat so I just have to figure out a menu and go shopping for the healthy foods we need to eat.

I have several books that I need to write a review of, but they are devotional books so I have to wait until I've read several entries to make the review, but from what I've read they are really good! I am going to work on the three I have over the Christmas break and hope to have reviews finished before school starts again in January!

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